e_title.gif (5707 バイト)

4. As concrete instances of the Chinese influence, we can take civil engineering and astronomy. As invisible influences, law and calendar. As a matter of fact, Japan, where longitude is different from that of China, had to make its own calendar, referring to China. As will be stated in the following, an astronomical observatory was constructed as an substantial expression of certain type of ultra-nationalism.
In other words, the core of the following story is in the phrase "referring to China" or being based on China.
kisyodai.gif (11391 バイト) Astronomical observatory and sundial
A Chinese emperor used, as a symbol of power, the issuance of a calendar.
This astronomical observatory has its origin in the period of the Yan.
f02_02_1.gif (10002 バイト) To insert Juji Reki Zukai.
A calendar revising the Islamic calendar.
5. Tycoon regime and Demarcacion
The generals of the Tokugawa shogunate became a kind of emperor, named Tycoon, rather than not being contained by China.
This should be seen from the view point of world history including occidental history. In the beginning of the 16th Century, Portugal and Espana concluded Zaragoza Treaty, in addition to Tordesillas Treaty, concluded at the end of the 15th Century, finally completing "demarcacion (demarcation)" (global partition). Since this partition line passed just on Japan, it was feared that monarchs (daimyos), residing both ends of the land of Japan, might divide up Japan. Then, the general, as the ultimate ruler of the armed forces, became a tycoon, in my opinion, having a defensive intention to avoid the east-western breakup of the land of Japan.
demaru.gif (6425 バイト) Demarcacion
Figure of global partition
minato.gif (7451 バイト) Matsushima
Date Masamune, a Japanese daimyo, tried to organize Sendai Bay to establish a trade with Spain.

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